Furnace Repair Services in Bridgetown, Ohio


Local Furnace Repair Experts in Bridgetown, Ohio

Are you having a problem with a heater or heating system and need expert repair services you can trust? When you need prompt furnace repair services and honest advice from a reputable HVAC company, Bridgetown Heating & Cooling is the company to call. We offer 24-hour furnace repair services for all types of furnaces and all types of furnace problems. Our knowledgeable furnace repair experts arrive at your home in a well-stocked service van in a timely manner (usually that same day) and we’re able to repair most furnaces during the initial visit at the most reasonable prices.  We service all types of systems, all makes, all models and all ages of heating equipment throughout the Greater Cincinnati and Greater Dayton Ohio area.

Furnace Repair in Bridgetown
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Furnace & Heating System Repairs in Bridgetown

Our furnace repair specialists here at Bridgetown Heating & Cooling are friendly, local members of the Southwestern Ohio area community. These heating specialists are always fully insured and NATE-certified. Additionally, our men and women are the best in the HVAC business. Our technicians are regularly drug tested and trained above and beyond industry standards to be fast, honest, and ready to handle anything, no matter what type of system it is. We show up at your home promptly and — with your approval — perform all the necessary heating unit repairs during the first visit. We can replace or repair pilot lights, heat exchangers, thermocoupling, thermostat inaccuracies, flame sensors, blower motors, ignitors, air filters, and more. When you choose Bridgetown Heating & Cooling for your furnace repair needs, you get the expertise and top-notch customer service of a big HVAC company, but also enjoy the friendly personal touch of a small family business. 


4 Signs That Your Furnace Needs Serviced


Furnaces are usually useful for, on average, about 18 years. Nevertheless, it is wise to consider replacing a furnace once it reaches 15 years of age. In the long run, buying a new heater can save you money on expensive repairs and costly electric bills. The ultimate benefit of buying a new heater is that you’ll be able to keep your house nice and warm during those cold months.


If you’re having difficulty regulating the temperature levels in your home or building and it seems like you are always having to adjust the thermostat to get the right level of comfort and heat, it might not be the thermostat that’s the cause of the problem. Your furnace or heating unit might be struggling to consistently distribute heat throughout your dwelling or building the way it needs to be distributing it. The best way to figure out if your heating system isn’t working properly is to call a professional like Bridgetown Heating & Cooling so we will look into the problem.


Once furnace efficiency declines, it is a sign your heating equipment needs service. If it’s a relatively newer unit, it probably needs expert services. If the heating system is older (15 years or more) you should start looking into furnace replacement. Typically, furnace inefficiencies are a result of wear and tear on parts. Always remember to continuously check your air filters. If your home heating bills are on the rise, we suggest giving us a call before it gets worse so we can offer solutions to curb home heating costs and keep your equipment in optimal condition.


If you have a pilot light and you notice its flame is the color yellow, you need to call us right away. Yellow pilot lights are a sign of danger, a serious safety hazard. Aside from that, if your home heater is making new sounds unusual noises (banging, rattling, popping, squealing or something else), this is also a warning sign. As far as the flame on the pilot is concerned, pilot lights should always be blue. If you have a yellow flame, call us right away. If your furnace is making strange noises, call us and we can look as well.

Service Calls

Fast Furnace Services Calls in Bridgetown, Ohio

When you call Bridgetown Heating & Cooling for a Service Call on an HVAC unit, you have the advantage of working with a reputable contractor that’s able to service both residential HVAC systems as well as commercial HVAC units with skill and precision. We have been working in area homes for 50 years as a member of the Five Star Family. That’s half of a century! We can use that experience to give you not only the best HVAC services available in the industry during your service call but also the most superior customer service as well. Because our business is family-owned and local, we believe that we should treat every one of our customers with the same importance and care that we would give to a member of our own family. 

HVAC Financing Services


Expert Emergency Furnace Repairs in Bridgetown, Ohio

Wintertime is extremely cold here in Southwestern Ohio. If your heat is out, your heating emergency becomes our heating emergency and we respond right away by sending a friendly emergency furnace repair expert in your area. Fast and friendly emergency furnace repairs are always an easy phone call away when you choose Bridgetown Heating & Cooling. We can fix any and all residential and commercial heating systems problems in a single visit. We fix all types of heating systems, heat pumps, and furnaces. Repair all makes and models. In short, if it has to do with heating or home comfort, our experts can always help. 

Bridgetown, Ohio ac services

Heating System Repair FAQ

Why is my furnace blowing cold air?

If your heating system is blowing cold air in your home or business, this is a sign of a problem with either the flame detector, air filter, gas supply, pilot light, or condensate line. Many of these problems can be solved on your own by sanitizing and replacing components. Nevertheless, if you own a gas furnace, you should call an expert. One of the most common problems that homeowners with forced-air heating systems have to deal with is a furnace blowing cold air. It’s extremely unpleasant and can even be unhealthy in colder weather. If you’re having issues with your furnace blowing cold air, the first thing to check is the fan setting. If your fan needs to be repaired or replaced, one call to Bridgetown Heating & Cooling puts our highly trained HVAC technicians at your service.

Why is my furnace running nonstop?

Check your furnace’s fan setting on the thermostat. Make sure your HVAC system’s fan is set to “auto” and that it hasn’t been switched to the “on” setting. When a furnace’s fan is set to the “on” position, it runs continuously even when there isn’t heat being generated. After checking the fan setting, check the system’s fan limit switch. This requires a manual override. If this does not fix the problem of nonstop operation and your furnace is still continuously running, give Bridgetown Heating & Cooling a call. We’d be happy to send over a furnace expert near you to help with the problem.

Why does my furnace keep shutting on and off?

This is called short cycling. One of the most common causes of short cycling is a dirty air filter. If the filter is dirty, you can resolve the problem quickly and cheaply on your own. If this not the cause of the problem, you need to check your thermostat to make sure something isn’t affecting its reading, such as direct sunlight, heat coming from a register, appliance, or something else.

If nothing else, the worst-case scenario for short cycling is due to poor furnace installation. If a furnace doesn’t get sized properly for a home or building space, it can short-cycle.

Bridgetown Heating & Cooling